2024 Open Book Assessment Roll (preliminary values)
2024 Use Value in Green County
Link to Use Value Conversion Charge Guidelines
2024 Agricultural Assessment Guide
2024 Guide for Property Owners
2023 Final Personal Property Roll
2023 Preliminary Real Property Roll
2023 Preliminary Personal Property Roll
2023 Use Value in Green County
Objection to Real Property Assessment
Objection to Personal Property Assessment
2022 Estimated Municipal Assessment Report
2024 is a maintenance year. Associated Appraisal Consultants reviewed property within the Town of New Glarus to confirm updates to valuation, ownership, and classification if building permits were issued in 2023 or the property sold in 2023. Notices of Changed Assessment should be mailed by the week of April 15th. Open Book will be held on May 2, 2024 from 6 to 8 PM. The Board of Review is scheduled for May 30, 2024 from 5 to 7 PM.
The Board of Review is responsible for correcting any assessment errors. It conducts its hearings in a manner similar to a court. Held at the New Glarus Town Hall - 26 5th Avenue You may wish to consider the following as you prepare for your hearing:
1. All evidence must be given as sworn, oral testimony. You or your agent must attend the hearing if you wish your evidence to be considered. You should be prepared to explain to the board what you think your property is worth and why.
2. You must present evidence to support your estimate of market value. This evidence must be either:
- A recent sale of your property, if any. Bring written proof, such as a closing statement or real estate transfer return to substantiate the date and amount of the sale.
- Recent sales of similar properties in your neighborhood, if any. Bring written proof substantiating the amount and date of sale.
- Other specific reasons or factors showing the assessment is in error. Bring written evidence when possible, such as cost estimates for repairs and the like. Be prepared to show how recent sales of similar properties compare to your property if you present them as evidence; for example, style, square footage of house, lot size, number of rooms, condition, exterior wall constructions, etc.
Written appraisals by qualified experts should be accompanied by oral testimony from those witnesses.
1. The Town's appraiser will present evidence related to the market analysis performed on your property. You should contact the appraiser prior to the hearing to exchange information.
2. Bring seven (7) copies of all written documents to the hearing and give them to the Clerk at the start of the hearing.
The Board will determine the market value of your property based on the evidence presented. A written notice of the Board's decision will be mailed to you after the hearing.
Appeal from the Board of Review decision is to the Circuit Court. Generally property owners who wish to appeal to Circuit Court seek assistance from someone knowledgeable in the preparation of legal documents.
Chris Narveson
Districts: 25 & 26
Town/Wards: Wards 2 & 1
PO Box 448
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
Phone: (608) 527-2390
Alt. Phone: (608) 636-3495
Email: cnarveson@townofnewglaruswi.gov
Troy Pauli
Districts: 25 & 26
Town/Wards: Wards 2 & 1
PO Box 448
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
Phone: (608) 527-2390
Alt. Phone: (608) 558-8614
Email: tpauli@townofnewglaruswi.gov
Robert Elkins
Districts: 25 & 26
Town/Wards: Wards 2 & 1
P.O. Box 448
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
Phone: (608) 527-2390
Alt. Phone: (608) 219-0857
Email: relkins@townofnewglaruswi.gov
Mark Pernitz
Districts: 25 & 26
Town/Wards: Wards 2 & 1
PO Box 448
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
Phone: (608) 527-2390
Alt. Phone: (608) 527-6877
Email: mpernitz@townofnewglarus.com
Matt Streiff
Districts: 25 & 26
Town/Wards: Wards 2 & 1
P.O. Box 448
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574
Phone: (608) 527-2390
Alt. Phone: (608) 514-2429
Email: mstreiff@townofnewglaruswi.gov
Associated Appraisal Consultants, Inc.
Tom Okrie
Phone: (920) 749-1995, extension 8811
Email: tokrie@apraz.com