Extraterritorial JT Planning

Extraterritorial JT Planning Committee

New Glarus Town Hall - 26 5th Avenue
P.O. Box 448
New Glarus, Wisconsin 53574

Phone: (608) 527-2390
Email: [email protected]


Goals of Extraterritorial Zoning
  1. Preserve the look and feel of the New Glarus area.
  2. Accommodate reasonable development opportunities in rural areas.
  3. Preserve farmland and farming.
  4. Not affect ability of land owners to continue to use and enjoy current land use.
  5. Provide future growth opportunities in mutually agreed areas.
  6. Increase intergovernmental cooperation.
  7. Make zoning decisions for the New Glarus area.
  8. Provide clerer and more consistent plans and regulations.
Administration of Extraterritorial Zoning
  1. Designed to provide shared town-village voice of areas of mutual concern.
  2. Extraterritorial Zoning (ETZ) Committee made up of 3 town representatives and 3 village representatives.
  3. Zoning ordinance text and zoning map must be approved by Village Board, following preparation by the ETZ Committee (current deadline of November 15th).
  4. ETZ Committee will essentially replace local Plan Commission for areas under extraterritorial zoning jurisdiction.
  5. Zoning ordinance text may be written to delegate more or less authority to ETZ Committee (yet to be finalized).

Prepared by Vandewalle & Associates 5/3/06

Committee of Jurisdiction:

Extraterritorial JT Planning Committee